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Curriculum Vitae

Dr Lynne Kelly AM

I was appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia on January 26, 2022 ‘for significant contribution to science education through writing and research’.


Bachelor of Engineering, Monash University, 1972

Diploma of Education, Rusden State College, 1973

Graduate Diploma of Computing, Deakin University, 1984

Master of Education, University of Melbourne, 1994

Doctor of Philosophy, LaTrobe University, 2013

I completed my PhD at La Trobe University, Melbourne, in the English Program as a non-fiction writer. My field is primary orality – the way cultures store and transmit masses of information when they have no contact with writing. I look at the application of primary orality to archaeology and in a contemporary context. It is the topic of my academic book with Cambridge University Press, Knowledge and power in prehistoric societies.

The ongoing research has fed my subsequent books for a mainstream audience, The  Memory Code in 2016, which was then released by international publishers, audio and in translation.

Memory Craft (2019) was also released by international publishers, audio and in translation. Songlines: the power and promise (2020) and then Songlines for Younger Readers (2023) were co-authored with Margo Neale. The Knowledge Gene (2024) draws the research of the last decade together showing that we are biologically encoded to learn this way.

I have spent my working career combining secondary teaching, writing and studying. I am now an Adjunct Research Fellow at LaTrobe University in the School of Arts, Communication and Critical Enquiry. I’m also an Honorary Fellow in the School of Physics at the University of Melbourne.

I was awarded an Arts Victoria literary grant for 2015 and an Artist in Residence award for 2017.



Knowledge and power in prehistoric societies: orality, memory and the transmission of culture,  Cambridge University Press, 2015

Trade – popular science

The Skeptic’s Guide to the Paranormal 
Allen & Unwin (Aus), 2004
Basic Books / Thunder’s Mouth (US), 2005
Russian Edition, 2009

Crocodile: evolution’s greatest survivor
Allen & Unwin (AUS), 2006
Orion (UK), 2007

Spiders: learning to love them
Allen & Unwin (Aus, US), 2009.
Orion (UK), 2009

The Memory Code:
Allen & Unwin (Aus) and Audible, 2016.
Atlantic Books (UK), 2017.
Pegasus Books (US), 2017.
Good Publishing Co., (Taiwan and Macaw), Traditional Chinese edition, 2018.
Anag (Czechoslovakia), Czech language edition,2018.
China Worker Publishing House (China), Simplified Chinese edition.

Memory Craft:
Allen & Unwin (Aus) 2019.
Audio book, Wavesound, 2019.
Pegasus Books (US), 2020.
Cheers Publishing Company, (China), Simplified Chinese edition (in press).

Songlines: the power and promise: co-authored with Margo Neale
Thames & Hudson with the National Museum of Australia, 2020.

Songlines for Younger Readers: co-authored with Margo Neale
Thames & Hudson with the National Museum of Australia, 2023.

The Knowledge Gene
Allen & Unwin, (Aus and NZ), 2024
Greystone Books, (North America), (in press) 2025

Grounded: Indigenous Knowing in a Concrete Reality, Rounded Globe, 2016.


Avenging Janie,  Lothian Books, 2003

Non-fiction, Education:

Practical Computing (co-author), Jacaranda-Wiley, 1987

Nuclear Technology (co-author), STAV Publishing, 1991

Lasers, Sunshine Books, 1994.

Challenging Minds
Hawker-Brownlow (Aus), 1994.
Prufrock Press (US), 1996

Mathematics by Computer: Iteration, Wizard Books, 1996

Motion Kit: Simple Concepts in Physics, Wizard Books, 1996

Sound and Light,  Wizard Books, 2000

Maths Wizard, Wizard Books, 2000

Motion: Simple Concepts in Physics, Wizard Books, 2001

Words and Images (co-author), Wizard Books, 2002

* All Wizard Books publications taken over by Curriculum Corporation.

Multimedia CD-ROM:

Exploring Chaos and Fractals (co-author), Informit, 1994

Online Course Material:

50 Enrichment Units for the Middle Years – EUMY, 2006-8

Magazine and newspaper articles:

Physics and Infinity, Lab Talk, (Science Teachers Association of Victoria), 1984

It’s a Total Internal Reflection, Lab Talk, (STAV), 1985

Book Reviews, Lab Talk, (STAV), 1986/7

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a – total internal reflection, The Australian Skeptic, 1988

Chaos Rules the Classroom?,  Classroom 2000, The Age, 1993

Multimedia Authoring, Australian Author, 1994

Managing Change in I.T.,  The Source, 1996

It’s virtually a school, The Source, 1997

Virtual schooling is online now,  News and Views, ICPA, 1997

I.T. and Gifted Students,  Gifted, 1998

I.T. and Gifted Students, Vision, 1999

Mirror Gazing: From Critical Reflection Toward Evaluation (co-author), Gifted and Talented International, 2000

How to build a cyberschool that has soul,  The Age, I.T. Opinion, 2000

How a native goddess stole my heart,  The Age, Extra/Gardening, 2001

Just Killing Time? (co-author), Principal Matters, 2001

The World Skeptic’s Congress, The Skeptic, 2005

Spiders – on the edges of everywhere, Wildlife Australia, 2010

Feminine Magic, The Journal of Performance Magic, 2015

This ancient mnemonic technique builds a palace of memory, aeon, 2017. Online magazine, the article can be read here.

Contributing Author:

Mnemonics in VCE Science: Psychology, VCE Units 3 & 4. Nelson 2022

Comparing use of mnemonics by written and oral cultures in Psychology: VCE Units 3 and 4, Jacaranda, 2023.

Book Chapters:

Four chapters in Coping for Capable Kids, Hawker-Brownlow, Education, 1993

A Teacher’s Perspective in Geniuses, Prodigies and Savants, Centre for the Mind, 1999

Feminine Magic in Magiculum, EyeCorner Press, 2014 

On (and off) the rocks in Would You Believe It? Stollznow , Karen (Ed.), 2017.

Study Guide:

Australian Biography: Donald Metcalf, Film Australia, 2007


Mathematics online units for, 2000


Second Born, 1st Prize, Begonia Writing Short Story Competition, 1992

Conference Presentations and Media

Numerous press and radio interviews were done for The Skeptic’s Guide to the ParanormalCrocodile: evolution’s greatest survivor and Spiders: learning to love them. Press and online reviews were universally very good. I have been constantly on radio, in the media and presenting workshops with my work on indigenous memory systems as presented in Knowledge and Power in Prehistoric Societies, The Memory Code, Memory Craft and Songlines.

I have presented at many conferences in Australia, New Zealand and the US in areas of Gifted Education, Mathematics, Information Technology, Physics, Management of Change and the Science of the Paranormal. I have presented  seminars and conference presentations on primary orality, archaeology and memory systems in Australia, UK and the US.

I appeared in a TV segment for Lawrence Leung’s Unbelievable!, shown on ABC TV, June 2011 which was based on The Skeptic’s Guide to the Paranormal. I appeared in an episode  for the SBS documentary, Tales of the Unexpected, also based on The Skeptic’s Guide. It was was aired in 2014.

Speaking engagements since 2016 can be seen here.

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